Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of School

Today was Hunter's first day of school. He is at our church (MDUMC) in the 3/4 yr old Pre-K class. He goes 3 times a week. He loves school, and he was SO excited! Scott hung around this morning, and we all went to Denny's for breakfast. Hunter ate 3 pancakes and bacon! Then, we all took Hunter to school for his big day. Hunter was so proud and so big!
I am starting Trent next year. I would love to put Trent in 2 days a week, but the MDUMC school has really crummy choices of days! The 2 day option is Monday and Tuesday. The 3 day option is Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. So, my boys would never be home together- no thank you, they love each others company WAY too much!! And I just couldn't put my barely 2 year old in school for 3 days a week. Trent is still a baby, and I am not working- so I couldn't justify 3 days a week.
Scott and I decided to wait another year to give Trent and Faith Ann some alone time. It will be nice for them to have time to establish their own individual relationship! I already saw that happening today!! Trent had the opportunity to read books and sing songs to her without Hunter taking over! I know there are many benefits from school, and the interaction is important. I do feel that my kids get plenty of socialization with the child care during my Bible study, the gym at least 3 times a week, church, and the daily playtime with friends or cousins! So, after much thought and prayer- I am happy to keep 'baby Trent' one more year before he is released into the many years of school! And yes, we still call him baby Trent- I know, that needs to stop! ha!
I realized 2 things today...1. Hunter is really a KID now! This morning, he stood there with this "gosh MOM" smile as I was taking a million pictures! It hit first baby is not a baby anymore! He has become a big boy overnight! His entire demeanor is "grown up!"
And 2. I realized how much Hunter helps me!!! I truly missed his helpding hands today. He entertains Trent and Faith Ann. He holds Faith Ann when I need free hands. He knows what to do when she cries. He knows what makes Trent happy when he gets frustrated! He takes it upon himself to solve problems! Trent spills...Hunter wipes it up! Faith Ann cries...Hunter rocks her and puts in her pappy. Trent can't figure out a toy...Hunter helps him. Faith Ann is squirmy...Hunter burps her!  Yes, the house was way queiter because Hunter talks ALL the time! But yall, I MISSED my sidekick!
It was a great first day! I am looking forward to alone time with Trent and Faith Ann. I am looking forward to Trent having some independence to be his own person (he follows Hunter's EVERY move!) I am looking forward to Hunter growing and learning! This will be a good season of life in our little world, I just feel it!

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