Wednesday, August 27, 2014

This is How We Roll...

Faith Ann rolled over all by herself today, totally unassisted! She was on her tummy while we were at my cousins house, and she just rolled over to her back like a champ! I was so excited for the random milestone! My cousin, Lacey, was like "wait, that was her first time?" She rolled with such grace- it looked like she has been doing it for months! My aunt, Lauran, was also there to witness. Milestones are always so special! Hunter cheered, it was a fun moment!
We just got back from Scott's family reunion in Marble Falls, Tx. His uncle, Tom, has a beautiful lake house there. We filled the house with aunts, uncles, cousins, and Scott's wonderful grandmother Mimi! There were 6 kids under 4. The house is a 3 story house, so I got my exercise for the next year! I went up and down those stairs a million times with a kid on each floor needing this and that!
The house is on the lake with beautiful views. They have their boat, jet skis, kayaks, and other toys set out in the water ready for us to hop on. So, we were busy all weekend. Lots of boat rides and swimming. The boys had a blast on the jet skis! I did a few fast 'donuts' and Trent LOVED when the water would water splash over the hood. Hunter and Trent both knee-boarded for the first time, it was adorable to watch! They were so brave and proud of themselves. The boys were each others sidekicks all weekend. Scott spent most of the weekend playing with the boys while I was running up and down the stairs tending to Faith Ann!
Faith Ann slept great...thank goodness because all 5 of us were in one room! The room had a huge walk in closet- so I set up her bassinet and a fan in there. Our room was called the "white room" because it is filled with beautiful white bedding, pillows, accents...ummm, I was a nervous wreck! Yall, I am not kidding- BOTH of the boys got hit with the stomach bug in the white room! I didn't sleep for 3 days...not because of my children, but because of the damn white room! I jumped at every coughing noise! Thankfully, they took turns! Hunter threw up Friday night and Trent threw up Saturday night! Each one only threw up a couple times and strangely enough, they were fine the next day!! When morning came, it was like nothing happened...eating and playing just fine! So, it didn't slow down our trip- but I didn't sleep a wink with all the white around me! And not one drop of throw up got in that room thanks to my alertness!

That was our last summer vacation, and we had a blast. Summer is now over and we will be in our new routine of school soon. Faith Ann is continuing to go with the flow. Her smile will stop you in your tracks! Scott's family couldn't believe how calming and content she is. Even Scott's high school cousin commented on "how cool Faith Ann is!" She is just so easy, so loving, so peaceful, and we are so in love! 

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