Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Circus and Milestone

We went to the Circus last week. It was great, except for the fact that I could not use a stroller! WHAT? 3 kids (one being like 10 weeks old and a barely 2 year old) with NO stroller- in Reliant Stadium!? So, I put Faith Ann in the carrier and tried to hold Trent's hand while Hunter held hands with his friends in front of us. Overall, it worked out good. Trent would get distracted and want to stop every few seconds, which made for a long walk!! The biggest challenge was walking up and down ALL those stadium stairs. Let's just say that I was sore for a couple days! I held Trent with Faith Ann in the carrier...workout!
The actual Circus was very cool! The boys were facsinated with all that was going on. The boys were wonderful and so focused on the show the first half. The second half was a little harder because they didn't want to sit in their seats and getting ansty. I also had to breastfeed Faith Ann while watching the show, which goes down as the most adveturous place I have breastfed!
Faith Ann was a doll the entire show. She slept in the carrier on my chest, then ate, then sat on my lap bright eyed watching all the lights! The boys favorite part was the tigers and the popcorn! Hunter was TERRIFIED of the clowns! Overall, it was a great day and they all took long naps!
And for the record- Faith Ann has been sleeping in her own room since July 16th. After our anniversary date- I decided not to wake her up and do the 'top off feeding.' She was sound asleep and I had a few mojitos, so I really didn't want to feed her since my milk was probably not the best quality at that moment! Since she was peacefully sleeping- I just thought I would let it ride and see what happened. Well, she slept great and we officially no longer have our sweet baby in our room! I sometimes do the top off feeding, sometimes not! If I feed her at 10:30, she will go all the way to 7:00. If I skip that 10:30 feeding, she wakes between 5:00-6:30. I can't complain, but I do kind of miss seeing her sweet face in the midnight hours!

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