Thursday, September 25, 2014

What a Wonderful World

Louis Armstrong is known for his famous song, "What a Wonderful World." It's a great song, I love the song, it never gets old....until, it's played over and over and over in my car! The boys have only (and I mean ONLY) wanted to listen to that song every time we are in the car!! I thought it was going to be a short lived phase that would last a couple of days- but they are still going strong over 2 weeks later!
For half of a month, I have heard "What a Wonderful World" at least 15 times a day!!! Strangely enough, I still really like the song! Hunter knows every single word. He sings along and rocks his head side to side. Trent mumbles the words and gazes out the window. Faith Ann gets quiet and probably falls asleep! The song puts my children in some kind of trance...a wonderful, calming trance!
As I drive with the same lyrics playing all day, I have actually listened to every word. I have listened to the story behind the song. I can feel the energy and passion in his voice. That is probably why this song is so famous...Louis Armstrong truly feels and believes these words, which makes the listener believe!
While we have many challenges and there are some hard times- it really is such a "wonderful world!" It can be so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of your up meals, cooking, driving here and there, laundry, dealing with meltdowns, the challenges of children. It can all be overwhelming, and sometimes you can loose the 'wonderfulness' of your days!
I have to admit that the current obsession with Louis Armstrong has made me "see trees of green and red roses too!" Ha, well you see my point! I have found that I let the kids take their time climbing into the car, truly listening to their stories, and enjoying the perspective of a child!
The song really is the way children see the world. They don't see the 'annoying' things, they just see the wonderful world! It's such a simple song. The boys understand the words, they love the words, they can relate to the words. We can learn so much from children!!
For the rest of my life- every time I hear this song, I will forever remember this phase. I will remember the feeling that fills my car. I will remember Hunter's little voice singing along with every word. I will remember how this phase of our life is truly my very own little wonderful world!!

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