Thursday, October 23, 2014


Amidst all the noise and activity, I do actually get some quiet time. All of my kids nap at the same time everyday! I realize this is a small miracle in the world of motherhood! This was my goal from day one, so I started laying them all down around 1:00...a good compromise for all needs. Some days, Faith Ann would be so tired and other days the boys were still ready to play. However, I kept it up...and low and behold, they all now sleep for at least 2 hours! On school days, I lay them all down at 2:00. It's a stretch for Faith Ann, but she hangs in there and sleeps like a log the second I put her in the crib!
Before I take credit, I have to acknowledge the factors that have made this work!! First and foremost...the "OK to Wake" clock for the boys. They share a room, so nap time was an adjustment!! This clock works wonders. I set the clock for 2 hours, and it turns green when the 2 hours is up. They are allowed to talk/wake up when the light turns green. I realize that not all children nap, but I decided that nap time was one of the battles that I was going to fight and hold onto! Our pediatrician says that naps help their immune system stay strong and their minds refreshed. She feels that naps and an early bedtime are key for all ages. Shoot, who wouldn't want some good ole rest?!
Hunter still naps most days, at least for an hour. Some days he just lays in his bed and quietly plays with his stuffed animals. Regardless, he stays in his bed until the light turns green. He respects Trent's sleep so much, he's such a wonderful brother. Trent still needs the whole 2 hours of sleep, and he sometimes sleeps past the green clock. Usually, Hunter will say "GREEN" when it is time for me to get him out of bed. The word "GREEN" is like an alarm because Trent wakes from a deep sleep and sits up every time! And sweet Faith Ann...I usually have to wake her around 4:30. Bless her heart, she savors her quiet/rest time!
It took some training for them to understand the concept of the clock, it took some major persistence on my end! For the first few weeks, I would sit on the floor in between their beds until they fell asleep. I would start the nap clock over every time I had to correct them. Eventually they caught onto my expectations, and now it is a smooth process. We also use the clock in the morning- it turns green at 7:05! Hunter usually wakes around 6:30 and stares at the clock and loudly says "GREEEEEN" at 7:05 on the dot, everyday!!
Their nap time is my saving grace. I have plenty to do during that time. Sometimes, I even sit down and read my Bible study book!! It's great! It refreshes me for the afternoon. Some people don't understand the value of this time. My dad is like, "awe man, they're sleeping?" I tell him that only a man would say that about a quiet house with 3 sleeping children. My mom would be like, "WOW, amazing!"
Scott and I also take advantage of every minute during their nap time on the weekends. We either take turns running errands or we spend alone time together! The kids need their quiet time, and so do we! I realize that my 2 hour mid-day break will come to an end. So, this post is for me to remember that I actually did have some quiet time in this season of my life!

And I have to document that I actually did a pretty good job on the boys haircut! I was just going to "trim" around their eyes, and it turned into a full haircut- they are so adorable!

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