Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Nervous Nelly~Ebola

I am not the nervous type, and I am definitely NOT a germ freak. But, this Ebola outbreak is kind of freaking me out!! I just picture this pyramid that starts with one, then just ripples out and gets bigger and bigger! I use this blog to make baby books that document my babies first year. So, I thought it would be fitting to talk about the current Ebola scare in Faith Ann's baby book. One day, it may be interesting for her to look back and read about it.
Who knows....maybe our grandchildren will be reading about the Ebola outbreak in their history books. Will it have that much of an impact? Or maybe, our grandchildren will get the "Ebola vaccination" added to their 4 month shots?! No one knows what will come of this, but it is such an important time in our country, in our homes, and in our future!
Obviously, I am not a reporter and have very little information- just relaying the basics for reflection one day. The most current is there have been 3 diagnosed with Ebola in America. 2 of them have contracted the disease from a man that brought it here from Africa. Two of the patients are nurses from a Dallas hospital where the original man was treated, Thomas Duncan. Duncan passed away a few days ago. The other 2 patients are in isolation and are being treated with experimental drugs.
The part that ramps up my nerves is that one of the nurses just flew on a commercial airplane...a couple days before showing symptoms/being diagnosed! This is when I start picturing that ripple effect!! Scott is flying soon. I told him that he is wearing gloves, mask, and will not eat or go to the bathroom on the plane or airport!! I am also having him change clothes upon arrival. Nervous Nelly!! Here's what makes me nervous....there is just not enough education on this deadly virus!! They are tracking down everybody that was on the flight with that nurse. People are being put in isolation and observation. Like we are a bunch of lab rats, waiting to see what will happen next!!
It blows my mind when I start picturing the potential of this virus!! Ahhhhh- all the doorknobs, elevator buttons, shaking hands, using restaurant spoons, menus, gas station can send your mind spiraling! I have used one bottle of hand sanitizer since Hunter was bottle in 4 years! Germs just don't bother me. However, I used almost an entire bottle today while eating lunch with Scott at the Galleria! The thought of my children getting sick, being in isolation FREAKS me out! Because I can see myself getting wrapped up in fear- I have decided to make the conscious (and hard) effort to turn this over to God.
I worry about the patients that are ill now. I worry about the virus spreading. I worry about all the workers involved in treating/preventing. I worry about it getting to Houston. This reminds me of all the "what-if's" that I was worried about when my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I was paralyzed with fear of the unknown! Through that roller coaster, I prayed hard that I could let go of worry. Let me tell you...those prayers worked! I let go and it changed my life!! I learned so much during moms journey of sickness and death. I need to remind myself of what I learned...worrying will not change the outcome, nor will worrying add one second to your life! Worry can rob you of so much!
Faith Ann, one day you will read this. I want you to learn from my moment of weakness. Learn that everyone experiences fear and worry. Life has hard times that are full of scare and panic, especially when you have children. The worries of life will never change, there will always be something to worry about. But, I pray that you gain strength in times of worry. I pray that you trust The Lord.
 As Ebola continues to create its story, I am continuing to work on my story of letting go! I will remind myself of God's power as I read the many articles on Facebook about Ebola, and as I flip through the news channels. The power of prayer will replace my worry! I will say a prayer that God protects everyone and protects my mind from wandering into fear. Go away, Ebola. Far, far away!

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