Friday, January 9, 2015

8 Months

Faith Ann is too dang cute. That really sums her up right now. She is cute as a button, and her little personality is sooooooo cute! We hear two things almost daily....1: "Faith Ann is Trent with a bow!" and 2. "She is even cuter than the Gerber baby!" Her sweet chubby cheeks, beautiful eyes, and huge smile have captured her quiet the fan club!! And, in response to the first's a split screen shot of Trent and Faith Ann at around 8 months old, and I have to agree. They look a lot alike. They have the same features, but Faith Ann's features have this adorable girly finishing touch!
Speaking of Trent- he just decided that he was potty trained last week!! Whoohoo! He wouldn't let me put on his diaper the other day, so I went along with it. And literally, that was IT! He takes himself to the bathroom, gets on the toilet, flushes, and pulls up his pants all on his own! He doesn't even tell me when he's going. Where did my baby go?! This goes to prove the theory that they will be potty trained when THEY are ready. True! I'm anticipating a few accidents especially when he is busy playing, but he has made a giant big boy leap! So, at 2 years and 5 months old...Trent is wearing big boy underwear, and he is so very excited about it! Hunter and Trent have a blast "peein' in the bushes" everywhere they go...boys will be boys!
Back to sweet pea. Faith Ann, 8 months old and she is just Heavenly. Sounds so cheesy, but so true! She is not crawling yet, so I can count on her staying in one area. She is content with any toy, sock, book, cup, hair clip- anything will entertain her! She is at a wonderful phase, and I am soaking it up! Here's what she is up to...
  • Finally starting to eat some foods! She is eating lunch and dinner. She has tiny bites of whatever we are eating. She is content with a small amount- unlike her brothers at this age. They were eating entire hamburgers! Faith Ann takes 20 minutes to eat 2 tiny bites of a burger, then she's done!
  • Breastfeeding 3 times a day
  • Sleeps 7:30pm-7:00am (she will have random nights of waking at 2am, so I nurse her assuming she didn't get enough food since she eats like a mouse!)
  • She had her first real doctor appointment last week. 1st visit in 8 months, pretty good considering her older brothers are always in her face! Her eyes were so swollen, crusty and bruised! She was acting, eating, sleeping great- just nasty, painful looking eyes! Doctor said her congestion had backed up in her eyes causing pressure! She had no other symptoms, so we let it run it's course and she was looking back to normal in about 4 days.
  • While at doctor- she weighed 18.8lbs. I would think she would weigh more because she has the most scrumptious rolls and chubby cheeks. She is so plump, and I LOVE it! 
  • She scoots/slides on her tummy, but not crawling
  • No teeth
  • Afternoon nap at same time as the boys. They fall asleep around 1:00 or 2:00, and sleep for at least 2 hours! 
  • Hits my chest repetitively when shes nursing, and hits the highchair tray when she likes what she's eating- hilarious! 
  • Says "mama, dada" all the time, over and over: "mama, dada, mama, dada..." So sweet!  
  • Still the most flexible, content, peaceful baby ever
  • She likes to sleep on her tummy
  • Takes a morning nap in our bed. I feed her when she wakes, then she falls right back to sleep until about 9:00. This is what she looks like when I have to wake her to start our day....she's like "why are you bothering me?!"
We've had lots of cold rainy days. So, we have filled our days with inside play. Lots of building forts, lots of time with they boys pushing Faith Ann around!! Ha! Hunter is trying to 'teach Faith Ann how to crawl.' So, he just pushes her around the house, and she LOVES it as she glides around on her tummy!
Faith Ann- you leave me speechless. How could I possibly love you more? I remember thinking that last month too, but somehow I find a way...I just love you more and more everyday! You are one of a kind. Your sweet, gentle, peaceful heart is such a gift to our family!

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