Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Dad

Today is my Dad's birthday. 72 years old!!! Sounds crazy that I have a father that is 72. My parents had me later in their life. I was an accident, which he loves to remind me of at times! Actually my mom was going in for a hysterectomy appointment. They had to do a "routine pregnancy test" beforehand. Good thing, because yep- she was pregnant!!! They were shocked to say the least! Going in for a hysterectomy and coming out pregnant! Ha!
My oldest brother is 15 years older than me (Beau.) He was going to college as I was going to Pre-K! Now that I am a mom, I can't imagine my life being so spread out like that!! However, my parents loved it because they got to see life from all perspectives...being a young parent and also being an old parent! My dad says he prefers to be an older parent because you just don't sweat the small stuff! My mom agreed. She loved being an older mom. She said that I was spoiled rotten because they just didn't have the energy to do otherwise! They often joke that no one knew I could walk until Pre-K because I was carried everywhere!
The stories I have of being the youngest in my family are hilarious, and some are embarrassingly bratty! If I was thirsty...I would just make a gulping sound and everyone would get up and RUN to get me a drink. They would race and whoever would hand me the drink would get a hug from me! Yall, seriously?! I had all my siblings, their friends, my sister-in-law (who was then like 18) racing to serve me...for a hug! That story is just the tip of the iceberg!
I was held on some high "get away with everything" pedestal! My siblings may say that I still am because my dad has always been the root of this spoiling! Here he is, 72 years old, and he would still run to get me a drink if I gulped! Now, to give myself some credit...I always made good grades, mostly followed the rules, had good friends, and respected my parents...so in my dad's defense, he wasn't spoiling a complete brat!
I LOVE breakfast food, and I always wanted a big home cooked meal in the mornings. It became expected, just part of my day.  There my dad was, day in/day out, cooking me my requested meal. He even served me orange juice in a chilled crystal campaign glass...true princess form! My brothers gave him SUCH a hard time about that dang crystal glass he kept in the freezer for my breakfast the next day! This happened until the day I went off to college! He would even make my lunch and leave notes in my lunch sack...yes notes on my napkin until I was 18 years old!
Even after I got married and after mom passed away, I would stop by my parents house on my way to work to eat breakfast. My dad was retired, and still got up to give me my chilled orange juice! Then, I would drive by for lunch and dad would meet me at the curb to hand me my lunch through my car window! No matter my age, I will always be his "baby girl!!!" He was always the coach for all my sports teams, and he never missed a dance recital or school event. I even wrote the song for our "Daddy/Daughter dance" at my wedding because only I could put into words what a wonderful man my dad is!
As we have aged, our roles have turned into a wonderful dynamic! In some ways, I am the "wife." I do all the shopping for him, most planning, I check on him many times throughout the day, and I even give him a good lecture here and there! He says, "why is my daughter lecturing me?" I am a sarcastic person and some may say that I'm a little 'edgy.' But you know what? My dad loves this most about me! He says, "you may be a pistol, but you're a pistol that I always want on my side!" Well, I will always be on my dads side...supporting, loving, listening, and even tossing him my attitude!
One word that always comes to mind when I think of my dad is...steady! He is steady! Always there. I can always count on him for anything! He is slow moving because of his health...well shoot, he is slow moving in general because he is SO laid back! But, slow and steady wins the race! As each birthday passes, I only grow to appreciate my dad more and more!
I get it now! I understand from a different perspective. Nothing like a daddy and his daughter! Now that I watch Scott and Faith Ann. Scott is in trouble! Everyone says that Scott has many of the same characteristics as my dad...gentle, reliable, patient, understanding! If Faith Ann charms Scott the way I hooked my dad- OH.MY.GOSH! So far, it is looking that way. He is putty in her hands...softer than putty, he is mush in her hands!
And Faith Ann is just beginning! Scott will be waking up to make her lunch before school because she doesn't like the mustard to soak on the bread all night...yep, that was me! And Scott will smile, leave a note on her napkin, and in his quiet subtle way...she will know that Scott is her lifeline! She will know that Scott worships the ground she walks on. She will know that Scott's world revolves around her. She will know that, above all, Scott's happiest moment comes when he sees his baby girl happy!
How do I know this??? Because I am a daddy's girl, and I can spot a man that will melt in his daughters hands. My dad has said that I was born with a magic wand, and I put a spell on him the day I was born! I think my wand has been passed down because Scott is under Faith Ann's spell! Happy Birthday to the best dad. Because of our relationship, I am even more excited to watch Scott and Faith Ann's relationship blossom!

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