Monday, June 25, 2018

Recital, Stats and Adventures

We had Faith Ann's 4 year old doctor appointment. She weighs 37 pounds (64th percentile), and 42 inches tall (88th percentile.) She screamed bloody murder during her shots. Hunter and Trent tried to calm her down...but it only made her scream louder. We ran out of that office as fast as we could. We went to the gas station to celebrate with slushee's! And her dance recital! OMG!!! The cutest thing I have ever seen. There were thousands (yes, thousands) of people in this huge auditorium watching. I thought she was going to get stage fright, but she didn't! She had a huge smile and popped out of that flowerpot and danced her heart out!! It was so amazing to watch. My sweet girl!

FATHERS DAY!! I went to Vegas during fathers day. That's another story that I will get into later. It was for American Ninja Warrior, and had an amazing time! But, I decided to celebrate Fathers Day early before I left town. The kids and I surprised Scott with a family dinner and thoughtful gifts. The kids decorated the house and we painted cups for daddy!! It was a fun project. We bought him a huge car care bucket...hand picked by Trent! After dinner, we played a family football game to celebrate such a fun loving daddy!!

And Fridays are for adventures!!!! Every Friday this summer, we have an adventure planned. Trent's favorite has been the tour of Minute Maid Park. We got to go on the field, in the dugout and pressbox! It was so interesting, and we really learned a lot about the Houston Astros. Hunter's favorite adventure has been Typhoon Texas. However, all the kids were obsessed with this! I was too! Our friends came with us, and we spent the entire day! I was so impressed with Faith Ann...she rode these HUGE water slides alone! Like a big girl. This was one of the first times that I felt like I had all "big kids!" No whining, complaining, holding, diaper changes, etc. Just good ole fun! It was amazing. Summer is going strong and full of fun!

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