Monday, July 23, 2012

Trent's Birth Story

July 16, 2012 at 2:00 am...the contractions were every few minutes and steady. I have been having contractions EVERY night since July 3 from midnight-2 am. Then they would always stop, like clock work, at 2am! I always said to myself "I will know when I am in true labor when these contractions continue past 2 am!" July 16th the contractions were hanging around 2am, 3am...then, I started thinking "this is IT!!!"
My doctor told me "you will know when you are in true labor when you can NOT walk through the contractions." My contractions were not increasing in pain- they were just steady. So, I decided to go on a walk!!
 Here was the 3am conversation with Scott...
Scott woke up to me getting dressed: "WHAT are you doing?"
Me: "I need to know if I am in true labor- so I am going on a walk to see if the contractions increase."
Scott: "You are crazy! Take Bentley and your phone- call me if you're in labor!"
I love this! Scott knows me so well, that he knew he wasn't going to stop me!
 So, off I go! After an entire hour of power walking....the contractions plateaued and seemed to level off, but remained every 2 minutes! I went home and truly didn't know what to think. I knew my stomach was ROCK hard and having tons of contractions, but nothing was that painful. I got back in bed as Scott was snoring. He never woke up to ask anything- such a guy!!
 I had my 38 week doctor appointment that day, in the afternoon. But, I called and asked if I could push up my appointment. They said to come early so she could do a quick cervical check. I see the doctor around 11:00. She examines me and guess what...I was almost 6 cm dilated!!! She sent me straight down to labor and delivery! I called Scott on my way down and he was SHOCKED! He had to pick up Hunter from vacation Bible School, he had to wait for my aunt to get to my house...but, I told him "don't rush!"
 Once I got checked in, etc. it was about 12:30. The monitor showed that contractions were in an obvious labor pattern, and she suggested that I get an epidural asap! Sounded good to me!  I got my epidural around 1:00, and was feeling great! Scott finally gets there around 1:30. My sister in law, Veronica, also came to visit. We were all very relaxed and calm! Scott decided that it was a good time for him to get lunch from Whataburger!! The nurse came in around 2:30 and told me I was 8 cm dilated and that Trent's head was "right there!!" Scott finally got back and ate lunch in the room...remember, I am in full blown active labor while Scott is doing all of this!I don't think it really "hit" him that we were having a baby..hahaha!
At 3:00- I felt a huge kick in my chest then suddenly felt a TON of pressure way down low- like he was literally kicking his way out!! I grabbed my crotch, crossed my legs and panicked! I, all of a sudden, got real serious and started saying "do something-do something!!" Veronica and Scott ran around like chickens with their heads cut off! Scott hit the nurses button a million times and Veronica ran out in hallway saying "she's holding her baby in!!!"
The nurse runs in and says "honey, I have been a nurse since 1974, and I promise you are not holding your baby in by grabbing yourself!" I said, "YES I AM!!" She examined me and immediately paged the doctor over and over! The doctor barged in the door with scrubs and mask already on- she was ready to go! They got me ready to push...5 pushes and10 minutes later...Trent was on my chest!!!! He arrived at 3:17!
Once he committed to being born- he FULLY committed!! Scott says that Trent thought "there is the light at the end of the tunnel- I've been looking for that! I'm out of here!!"  What a wonderful labor! We feel more than blessed. Hunter's first time to meet Trent went great! He was hesitant at first then poked him on the head!! It was very funny and cute! What a fun day- what a special day- what a memorable day- what a fabulous anniversary gift!! We love you Trent!!

1 comment:

  1. Brandi, congrats little lady! I remember going to a family of 4 and the love just keeps multiplying and is so immense. You will LOVE having two and watching the their bond grow. Their little giggles and whispers when they're a bit older will always remind you what a gift you gave them to have each other. ENJOY it, it goes so fast!!!!! Congrats again!
