Tuesday, May 12, 2015

12 Months

Weight: 20.14 (60th percentile)
Height: 31 inches (96th percentile)
Baby girl, you are ONE! That 12 months went by in a flash, but I sure did savor every moment. I truly soaked it all in. Faith Ann is so easy to soak in, I could just eat her up! In the doctors words, "tall, legs for days, blonde hair, blue eyes and a funny personality...you can go ahead and take a few years off your life mom, and dad can take way more off his life!!" She has such a FUN personality! She was hilarious at the doctor. She talked in her deep/possessed sounding voice! Dr. Brack was asking about her words, "momma, dadda, that, bubba..." then, in that deep voice Faith Ann chimed in with "NEVER!" We died laughing! Faith Ann had a huge smile on her face with her eyes squinting, like she was totally trying to be funny! Dr. Brack thought it was hilarious that 'never' is one of her words...at 12 months old! That is when she told us that we were in some trouble with this one!
Big news...no more breastfeeding, as of yesterday!! She now gets 3 bottles of whole milk (morning, nap and bedtime.) She feeds herself the bottle. She has been very attached to nursing until a couple weeks ago, then I could tell she was drinking less. This made weaning very natural and easy. My last nursing session was bittersweet. I sat and rocked her for a long time, but she was ready! This is the end of a big chapter for me!! I was either pregnant or breastfeeding EVERY SINGLE DAY for the last 5.5 years!! That is wild! Scott jokes that my body is going to start eating itself now that it is not responsible for providing life to another human!! Looking back, it has felt natural and never felt like a life altering commitment. But, as I look forward, I am somewhat relieved that I have my body back! Will we have baby #4? Not sure. But, we are not in a hurry to make the decision. We are living in this moment, and loving it! As I nursed her for the last time, I said a prayer that God would bless her body with health, strength, and long life. I prayed that He would pour blessings upon her, and that she would always be grateful!
Faith Ann loves music so much. She wiggles, dances and claps with a huge smile. This makes church very entertaining!! People in the rows behind us love watching her rejoice to the music. Her legs are kicking away, clapping, throwing her hands in the air, waving her head around. She is so much fun! The other day, I had to put her down in church because she was wiggling out of my arms. She took off, with her wacky crawl/scoot down the center isle, stopping at each row to wave and blow kisses, then off to the next row. It was so funny and adorable. We go to contemporary service, so this joyful behavior was beyond embraced and put many smiles on peoples faces! After music and children's time, we take her to the nursery, which she acts like she owns by the way!
One of the ladies at church nailed it on the head. She said, "there's just something so magical about this girl." That is TRUE! She is magical. She cast a spell on us from day one. She has this gift of peace and serenity, balanced out with spunk and loads of character! She has totally become a little ham the last month!! She is hysterical and cracks people up. She loves an audience and loves waving, blowing kisses, and fluttering her eyes at anyone that will look at her...which is everyone! She has captured the hearts of many.

  • Starting to lean out, and she has tan lines where her rolls were! So funny! 
  • Has a lot of teeth, and currently cutting 2 molars! 
  • Still does her funny crab crawl
  • Pulling up often and loves walking while holding your hands
  • Naps once a day, same time as brothers
  • Her birthmark is still pretty much the same, starting to really fade in some spots. You can see her birthmark in the 2nd picture of her waving (inside upper right arm)
  • Still has a much smaller appetite than her brothers did, so that is an adjustment for me as I make her plate! 
  • Points to everything and says "dat"
  • She is wild in the cutest way ever!
  • Loves bath time and swinging
  •  Size 4 diaper
  • She is tiny on top, then curvy on bottom! She can wear 6 month tops, and 18 month bottoms...so I usually buy 12 month clothes for her to give her an overall fit!
  • Waves to everyone. Waves when we walk in or out of a doorway!
  • Still has her nerdy, deep chuckle laugh- makes me laugh every time!
  • Starting to really play with her toys, and gets annoyed when brothers take it away from her
  • Sucks her thumb and twirls her hair at the same time, often!
Baby girl, you are something else! You have brought a whole new dimension of joy, laughter and light into our lives! Happy Birthday! On one hand, I look forward to the years ahead. On the other hand, I am in denial that you are growing up! I want you to be my baby forever! In other news...Trent continues to spend HOURS a day driving his green 4-wheeler! They both love getting their blankets from their bed and making pallets everywhere! You are often forced to lay on the pallets, you and Bentley!

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