Sunday, May 24, 2015

Dear Faith Ann (Love, Hunter and Trent)

Dear Faith Ann,

The moment mom told us that she was pregnant, we were overjoyed. We talked to mommy's tummy everyday, sang songs, read books. We were dying to get to see you! We didn't know if you were a boy (Griffin) or girl (Faith) we called you "Griff-Faith." We said prayers for Griff-Faith every night. Then, it was the big day! Hunter was BEAMING at school. We rushed to the hospital to meet you, and it was over from there. You had us wrapped tight around your finger. We couldn't take our eyes off of you!
We were in a constant state of happiness! A constant state of wanting to hold you, kiss you, read to you. Faith Ann, you took our hearts to a new level of love. How could it be possible for us to love you any more than we did in those first few weeks?? Well, somehow our love only grew deeper and deeper for you. You got more attention and love than any baby in the whole wide world, and you deserved every bit of it.
As you got older, we got to know you better. This is when our friendship started. Our love was there from day one, but now we were ready to play and become friends...become a trio! We started really interacting with you, and wanting to include you in everything we did! You experienced a lot, and we were so eager to show you more and do more with you! 
You have never gone a day...shoot, you have never gone an hour without being covered in hugs and attention. You are our neutral ground. You see, we can be fighting over a ball then you just look at us and we both rush to give you the ball. No questions asked, Faith Ann wants it...all bets are off, Faith Ann gets it! Mommy sometimes thinks you want space from us, but we totally disagree. We know that you savored every tight squeeze and every huddle hug we gave you! 
You have made our life so much more fun! Even Christmas was more fun with you. We were so eager to show you Santa Claus and tell you all about the holidays. We wanted to help you open every single gift. We were just too excited to share those moments with you. They were special moments, unforgettable moments. It's not just the holidays, you make everyday more fun! We love to help you go down slides, show you how to use all your toys, and inspect your food to make sure its okay for you to eat! We are involved with every single aspect of your life, EVERY. SINGLE.ONE! 
Faith Ann, we have loved being your brothers. You make our days brighter. You bring so much laughter and joy. You are our little sister that we will always honor! Now, mommy wants to write about our individual relationships because you are so special to each of us! 
Hunter is your protector! He has been my helper with you from day one. He took you under his wing the moment he laid eyes on you. He has genuinely loved you from the start. He was immediately drawn to you. He held you for hours and hours when you were a newborn, then he started entertaining you as you got older. He is always trying to make you smile, make you happy. He is always doing something for you...getting the toy you like, feeding you, making a pallet for you, drawing a picture for you, wiping your face, pushing your stroller. There are no boundaries in what Hunter will do for you!! He doesn't take his eye off of you. You have a loyal friend in Hunter that will always put you first and foremost!
Then your gentle big brother, Trent. He is our lover. He is tough as nails with the most tender heart! He isn't as interested in being your helper, he just wants to be your friend! From day one, Trent has been your bud! He is your right hand man. Trent is more quiet in his approach to loving you. He has this subtle way of always being there for you. When you cry, he gently pats your head and kisses you or holds your hand. He is steady in his love for you, it never fails that Trent will be there. You and Trent have spent this year together, side by side. Yall had a lot of bonding time while Hunter was in school 3 days a week, and you sure established a deep bond! And oh my goodness do yall look alike or what?! You have an unconditional friend in Trent. You can always count on Trent through thick and thin, he will simply just be there for you!  
Faith Ann, you are 'THEIR baby', and they have no problem telling the world that. They hold you on a pedestal and always watching to make sure nothing, and I mean nothing happens to you! They play with you hard, they love you hard. We joke that Hunter will hammer your boyfriend with questions and know everything about your date, while Trent just punches him in the face if his eyes wander! While I hope no punching is involved, I sure am proud to say that these boys will always have your back.
Hunter and Trent  were chosen to be your big brothers for a reason. There will be times that yall don't get along, but there will be even more times of joy! Know that you have forever friends in Hunter and Trent. They were SO proud of your first roll over, your first word, the first time you fed yourself. They have been deeply proud of you from the beginning...and that will never change! These two will be your proud big brothers for the rest of your life!
Hunter and Trent

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