Thursday, September 15, 2011

Bar Raised HIGH!

Hunter has been in love since 8 weeks old. It all started the first day I took him to the church nursery. This is where he met his first true love! Her name is Mahan, and she is the lady in charge of the nursery during Sunday Church and during my Bible study on Tuesday's. So, Hunter has seen her twice a week for 10 months! He totally lightens up when he sees her. He definitely has good taste, and he has always been drawn to girls with long very dark hair and tan skin. But, Mahan has always been on a pedestal in Hunter's eyes! Even when he was just a few months old...he would stare at her infatuated with her beauty! Speaking of beauty....she is smokin' hot;)! Way to go Hunter!!
Their love is mutual. We always say that Mahan and Hunter are "boyfriend/girlfriend!" She kisses him and holds him the entire time! Hunter is easy to love with his carefree personality and huge smile, but somehow she manages to make his smile even bigger and brighter! She brings out the best in him! He "pants" and kicks his legs as we walk into church, as if he's saying, "Hurry, I want to see her now!"

What do I mean by saying "Bar raised high?" Well, I now know that it is possible for another woman (outside of the family) to love Hunter as much as I do. The bar is raised high in regards to how I think Hunter should be treated! Well, I also think that Hunter's bar is raised pretty darn high too...she's got the looks, personality and mega sweet! His future girlfriends/wife may be jealous of his fist love ;)
Yes ladies...we "hate" her....gorgeous and sweet!! Here's a little proof of her sweetness! Hunter is all of a sudden crying when I drop him at mother's day out. Well, Mahan DID NOT like that!! So, she meets me in the parking lot to take Hunter into class. She helps transition him by getting him settled. She gives him enough hugs and kisses to last the day! She stays and focuses just on Hunter...why? Because she loves him!! That is what I want from his wife...someone to genuinely care for his needs, want to make him happy, and love him for who he is! As a mother, this is such a wonderful feeling! She then text me with an update on how's he's doing right after she "disappears" and Hunter does just fine with his teachers...we are just working on the "initial welcoming into class."
So...Mahan....thank you for loving my son! I am making a blog book of his first year, so now Hunter will never forget your pretty face! With or without these pictures...we will never forget you! You are the sweetest, most loving person and I am very grateful! You are so willing to help and love my sweet boy! You have seen the uniqueness in Hunter from day one and you treasure it as much as I do. Thank you!!

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