Friday, September 30, 2011

Dear Hunter, (Love Daddy)

Dear Hunter,

When Mom and I first found out that we were having a baby, we had so many emotions run through us. Feelings of excitement, nervousness, joy, love, appreciation, eagerness, and peace were just a few of the many feelings. We felt truly blessed when we found out we were having a baby.

A year has now passed since you were born into this world, and you have made it such a better world for both your mom and me. I must admit that I still have all of the same emotions now that I had when we first found out we were having a baby. I still feel excited when I am with you. However, I now have even greater feelings of joy, appreciation, and love than I ever have. It seems as though when we are together playing, eating, sleeping, or even changing your “poopy” diapers that nothing else really matters.  I am just glad to be with you and spend time together.

This past year has gone by so fast. Some of the greatest memories of my life came from this past year. I have my little buddy I look forward to seeing when I come home from work. You make me feel so special when you get excited when I walk through the door. You laugh and yell, and shake your body because you get so excited. That truly makes me feel special, and I feel the same way towards you when I see you. You have such a great personality, and you make everybody around you in such a good mood and spirit. In my eyes, you are perfect. I will treasure this past year and all the great memories we have together.

Becoming a father has been the best step I have taken in my life. I just hope and pray that I will be there to teach you how to be a good person, a good friend, brother, father, son, boyfriend, husband, teammate, and Christian. I can only hope that I teach you from my actions and not my words. As time moves on, I hope our bond together only grows stronger. You will eventually outgrow my lap, but never my heart. 

You are such a blessing to both Mom and me. The love I have for your mother has grown tremendously over this past year as well. You have a special mom who cares about you more than anything. She is, and will always be, the most special person to me. When you are older, I know you will realize what a wonderful mother you have. It makes me proud to watch her be such a great mom and wife, and it is amazing to watch how she keeps such a good balance in her life. You are the reason why my love for mom has grown so much over this past year. You are everything I have ever wanted in a son.

As William Wallace once said, “Every man dies. Not every man lives” If I were to die tomorrow, I would feel as though I have lived life to the fullest, and you are a big reason why I feel such a great love for life.


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