Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Happy 7th Birthday, FaithAnn

My baby is SEVEN!!! How did this happen so fast? She skipped school, and I let her pick what she wanted to do all day. Just me and her, alone! She wanted to eat lunch at a restaurant outside. Then, pick out her birthday cake for her party.  Swim at my brothers house. Then, walk to the gas station to get an ICEE!! Topped off with snuggling until brothers got home from school. It was perfect! Amazing memories. 

She also had a party at school. Her teacher is amazing. Mr. Drew decorated her desk and gave out treats. They sang and celebrated. Then, she spent the night at her friends house. And woke up on her actual birthday...MAY 8th...with donuts. I zoomed to pick her up to get ready for her big day. The boys decorated the house and we were ready for sister to come home. 

She was a happy girl with dangly earrings, choker necklaces and training soccer ball. We played all day then got ready for her epic birthday party!! Sand volleyball at Powder Keg. Yes, its a bar!! A kid friendly bar that she loves! 

Tons of family and friends came and had a blast. We played volleyball, ate pizza, opened gifts and drank away!! The adults and children had an amazing time. Such a laid back ,easy birthday party. One to remember for sure. FaithAnn was surrounded by her adorable friends. They played volleyball and built sand castles. The perfect way to ring in the lucky number SEVEN!!! Happy 7th Birthday, FaithAnn! We love you! 

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