Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dear Trent, (Love Hunter)

This post is based on the questions that I asked Hunter, and I am writing down his responses. I am just letting him talk about sweet baby Trent! Here is the letter that he wrote:
Baby Trent,
You are MY baby. I'm your big brother. Happy birthday, you a big boy now. You ate cupcake, with yellow on it. I said I love you when you came home, I do love you. Mommy loves daddy. I hold your bottle and I like kissing your head. I have fun and we play catch with balloons. I tell you 'be careful' when you get off your bum-bum in the bathtub. I laugh when you dance. You laugh when I put all the pillows on you. I climb in your bed after nap. You wake up and I say "Good morning baby Trent." You do not like when I pull you. But I pat-pat your back and you smile. Love you, baby Trent.
Trent, your brother loved you the second we brought you home. He innately protects you, and always makes sure you are okay. He is so proud of you, he genuinely wants you to do good. I love being in the other room, and I can hear you two laughing and playing. You truly complete each other, and you rely on each other. Hunter gives you the most spontaneous hugs and kisses throughout the day, everyday!
You just move along like you expect your brother protect your trail, and he does! The other day at Hunter's gymnastics class- I was watching Hunter on the balance beam. He stops walking across the beam, points and yells "Momma, danger baby Trent!" I turned around, and sure enough you scooted your way to an outlet, but of course, your brother is always watching you! It was so cute to know that Hunter will always have your back, even when it is his time to shine!
 Hunter will ask me "can baby Trent have a bite of this?" If I say yes, he will tear it up in a tiny piece and give it to you. Then, he watches you eat and tells me that he is 'making sure baby Trent doesn't choke!' Hunter is so loving, tender and unconditionally cares about you!
You look up to your brother, and you two are always with each other. You follow behind Hunter and try to do the things he does. The other day, Hunter pulled out his chair and sat down. Then, you did your funny crab crawl to the kid table, pulled out a chair and tried your hardest to get your leg on the chair to sit. Hunter, so gently, gets up and holds the chair stable for you and with the other hand he pulls you up on the chair. He tucked your chair in, kissed your head, then stood by the chair and told me "I'm gonna stand right here in case baby Trent falls." Oh my, Melt. My. Heart!! The love between you is admirable.
Your relationship will only grow through the years. It will have it's ups and downs, but always remember that the foundation of your relationship is love! Even when you argue in the future, know that your brother has been there for you from day one...watching, protecting, and loving you! We all adore you, Trent. You are surrounded with love!

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