Monday, July 22, 2013

Dear Trent, (Love Mommy)

Baby Trent, you leave me speechless. I feel like I repeat myself a million times when I talk about you! There is just nothing else to are my serenity, you are my breath of fresh air, you are my calm in a storm, you are the steady rock that keeps me grounded! I can get so caught up in the daily grind, but you always bring me back to this calm, loving place that I need in my life! I always feel weight come off my shoulders the second I hold you. You have this gift that God handpicked just for you....a gift to calm people's souls! God knew I needed that, He knew I needed you! I love you!!

When I found out I was pregnant with another boy, I pictured you to be just like Hunter. Your brother has filled our lives with joy and laughter! Hunter's personality reminds me of my mom, Zsa Zsa, so I was excited to think that I could have two spunky boys! Then you came along..... totally different than your brother, but the balance between the two of you is only something that God could have crafted!! I am serious, I know it sounds cheesy- but I will never forget the moment I first held you! You curled up on my chest with your face in my neck- I put my cheek on the top of your head and I MELTED! You immediately calmed me, and I knew in that moment that you were going to change my life- you were a blessing that God pieced just for me, for our family! I remember it so well, your daddy looked at us with a sincere smile and said, "uh oh, we got a momma's boy!" He could even feel it, our immediate bond filled the room! A moment that I will never forget!
 You were born on our 7th wedding anniversary. I was also born on my parents anniversary. Coincidence...I think not! God had that planned the whole time! As you know, I am extremely close to my parents, and I admire my mom and aspire to be like her. Mom used to tell me that I was the best anniversary present, and now I understand! Baby Trent, you are the best anniversary present! I kind of feel like mom wrapped you in a bow and was part of sending you to me on our anniversary, as a way for her to remind me that she will always be part of my children's life! She loves you more than you will ever know!

You are the perfect puzzle piece to our family! You are so cool, calm and collected- yet you have just a bit of edge to you! I like to call you and Hunter my "ying and yang!" A ying/yang is a symbol that basically means 'completion.' You are the ying to Hunter's yang! Sounds weird, but it makes total sense to me!  You boys complete me!! I am so proud to watch you grow into your own person. We are all so proud of the person you are shaping into! Hunter thinks the world of you, he will always be your biggest fan! Your friendship deepens everyday. Hunter protects you and always has his eye on you. Just today, we were at an indoor playground and a baby got too close to you so Hunter came running from the other side of the gym- got in the middle of you and the baby- he put his hand on your back and said 'don't get too close to my baby brother!' Then he kissed your head, patted your back and slowly walked away to make sure that baby didn't hurt you! Hunter will always 'go to bat for you!' I pray that you both continue to love each other unconditionally- from day one, your souls connected!
You are just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside, which says a lot because you are gorgeous! Your aura is my favorite thing about you. You give off this vibe, like no other. You are so gentle, loving, quiet, patient, genuine, even tempered. You are getting a little more edge to you as you age. You have a little sneaky smile. My mom used to always tell me to 'watch out for those quiet ones!' She may be right! You may end up a handful- or not. Either way, I have enjoyed your first year of smooth sailin'! You are so accepting of the things and people around you! I admire this about you. You accept the quietness when its quiet, the chaos when its just take life as it comes! You are such a special fella, and you will always hold a special place in my heart! I love you, I adore you and my love for you will only grow!

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